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AGridVisuals is an actor class responsible for managing all grid-related visuals in MegaGrid. Typically, this class is not intended for direct interaction or modification. However, if you need to extend its functionality, this documentation may be helpful.


UDataTable* TileTypeMapping;- Data table of TileTypeMapping, used for getting colors.

UDataTable* TileStateMapping; - Data table of TileStateMapping, used for getting colors.

UPostProcessComponent* GridPostProcess; - Post-process component used for Zero Aliasing Grid.

float SQHighlightScaleMultiplier = 1.02; - Tile material (highlight) texture size.

float HexHighlightScaleMultiplier = 1.08; - Tile material (highlight) texture size.

bool bCustomGridMaterial; - Whether to use custom grid materials instead of Zero Aliasing Grid?

bool bCustomHighlightMaterial; - Whether to use custom tile (highlight) materials?

UMaterialInterface* HexGridMaterial; - Parent grid lines material (hex).

UMaterialInterface* SquareGridMaterial; - Parent grid lines material (square).

UMaterialInterface* HexHighlightMaterial; - Parent tile (highlight) material (hex).

UMaterialInterface* SquareHighlightMaterial; - Parent tile (highlight) material (square).

UStaticMesh* TileMesh; - Mesh used for tile instances.

int32 ChunkSize = 50; - How many tiles belong to one HISMC? (e.g. 50 = 50x50 tiles per HISM).

TArray<FName> TypesToNotRender; - Tile types to blacklist. Their colors will be temporarily set to 0,0,0,0.

TArray<FName> StateToNotRender; - Tile states to blacklist. Their colors will be temporarily set to 0,0,0,0.

TArray<FName> StatePriority { "Hovered", "Path", "Selected", "None" }; - Render priority for states—states with lower indices take precedence over those with higher indices.

TMap<FName, FVector4> TypeColorMap; - Precomputed colors for each tile type.

TMap<FName, FVector4> StateColorMap; - Precomputed colors for each tile state.


Loads tile type and state colors into TypeColorMap and StateColorMap in advance.

void PrecomputeColors();


Sets up all dynamic materials including Zero Aliasing Grid and tile highlights.

void SetupDynamicMaterials();


Changes grid shape.

void SwitchGridShape(EGridShape GridShape);


Loads all visuals from existing grid data.

void LoadAllVisuals(EGridVisualContext Context);


Context - Play context, whether runtime or editor.


Toggles visibility of all tiles in grid.

void SetVisualsVisibility(EGridVisualContext Context, bool Visibility);


Context - Play context, whether runtime or editor.

Visibility - Hide/Unhide.


Set culling distances for tiles. This reduces overdraw at eye-level perspectives.

void SetInstanceCulling(EGridVisualContext Context, float StartCullDistance,
    float EndCullDistance);


Context - Play context, whether runtime or editor.

StartCullDistance - Start cull distance.

EndCullDistance - End cull distance.


Adds / updates visual to the tile in editor. Can be used to refresh a tile's visuals.

void AddTileVisualEditor(const FIntPoint& TileIndex);


TileIndex - Tile to add visuals to.


Adds / updates visual to the tile in runtime. Can be used to refresh a tile's visuals.

void AddTileVisualRuntime(const FIntPoint& TileIndex);


TileIndex - Tile to add visuals to.


Destroys all tiles of the given context.

void DestroyVisuals(EGridVisualContext Context);


Context - Play context, whether runtime or editor.


Starts visual processing of all tiles. Tiles are updated or created depending on use case.

void ProcessVisualsAsync(EGridVisualContext Context);


Context - Play context, whether runtime or editor.


Returns the color of a given TileType.

FVector4 GetColorFromType(FName TileType);


TileType - Tile type.


Returns the color of a given TileData. Unlike GetColorFromType(), this function considers both TileType and TileState depending on circumstance.

FVector4 GetColorFromState(FTileData TileData);


TileData - Data of tile.

Parameter Setters

The following functions simply set parameters in the relevant materials.

void SetGridSize(FVector2D GridSize);
void SetTileCount(FVector2D TileCount);
void SetLineWidth(float Width);
void SetColor(FLinearColor Color, bool bIsLine);
void SetOpacity(float Value, bool bIsLine);